Friday 6 March 2020

Fist Rampant! Back at the Club.

It has literally been years since I attended my local club. There are many reasons, none of which involve the club nor any of our members I hasten to add, but to anyone familiar with my posts recently will have some idea.

There was a lot of excitement tinged with apprehension as I journeyed there with my camera stowed away in my bag. Will it have changed? Will there be a lack of old buddies. Indeed, in the  worst case scenario, would everyone be playing 40K or Age of Sigmar? :>) I am pleased to say that only my excitement was justified and although there were a few new faces around most of the long term members were there.

I arrived in the middle of a Fist Rampant Crusades campaign. Fist Rampant or Rampant Fist take your pick lol. Although I didn't roll any dice I did manage to take a number of pics of the action which was fine. To summarise, the forces of Islam reached the the objective, an oasis in the middle of the table whilst at least for the first few turns the Franks seemed to be having a difficult time of things in as far getting going. War is hell. Bad pun? Probably not my last.

What follows is in essence not really an AAR. I confess to feeling more then a little sheepish as it had been so long since I played a game of Lion Rampant that I could not even remember the rules! This is a bad place to be in ones head as Lion Rampant is certainly not WRG 6th Edition! I will be reading the rules again tonight if you are reading this Dave! The way in which Fist Rampant works is by taking the activation system from A fist Full of Lead which utilises playing cards which in turn allow for certain advantages and amalgamates this with the quirkiness and all out fun of LR framework. I will be able to explain this in more depth when i have read both rule sets again! By now you have probably guessed that I am not very beardy when it comes to rules!

Mick's Archers trundle forward

The Forces of the Prophet whistle onto the table towards their desired destination

And arrive in very good time

Trundle, trundle


Even the lowly foot soldiers steal a march on the Franks


Cough, wheeze.... "we made it!"

At last! Real violence!


Better late then never

All that effort for so little gain

One of the few bright spots for the Franks

I just love those old Gripping beast miniatures. Especially these Christian Spanish Jinettes who will be making an appearence en masse in my Reconquista game.

Again,  I just love these 'old' Gripping Beast miniatures
Memories of their discovery go back to a very old edition of Wargames Illustrated where they were featured in some kind of siege. Way before the WAB El Cid Supplement was more than an idea.

The Fist Rampant 'Players'


  1. Very nice game! The table, decorations, and miniatures look terrific!

    1. None of it was mine so I cannot take any credit. My fist visit to my local club in years and i couldn't even remember the rules lol

  2. Nice looking games 😀

  3. Fantastic looking game and I agree the figures are wonderful. Excellent photography too!

    1. New camera, I was just messing about really. I've still got to get to grips with the machine! lol


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