Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Seleucid Argyraspides & "Bonus" Antigonus Monophthalmus

This little lot, plus more, were due to take part in a display game at a well known wargame show but the game has been cancelled. Still, they look quite pretty and although I'm not quite as far as I wanted to be with the units (the painted army consists of one unit of Seleucid Argyraspides and Antigonus the One Eyed!) it would be a shame not to document the miniatures.

My last blue backdrops got wet (printer ink) so I've had to produce some ad hoc backgrounds for the photo's. If anyone knows of a full A4 blue background file anywhere, please do let me know as I'm in desperate need of one as you can see!

Antigonus Monophthalmus


  1. Excellent paintjob !!! As always !!!

    1. Thank you for the goodly words. I've been a bit out of it when it comes to painting my own stuff- I have a whole lot of stuff for the Army of An-Nasir Yusuf- Ayyub (the last of line of Salah ad-Din) on the go for an up and coming event so I'm quite excited to get back into things brush related again.

  2. Wonderful work. Just quite delightful

  3. They are spectacular Darrell. Wonderful painting and I love the sculpts.

  4. I particularly like the cloaks. I must speak to my tailor. A really good looking unit.
    If I'm not too late, I wish them well in their first battle.

    1. Thanks Phil, they have actually fought in a battle already and were peppered to death by Javelinmen! LOL

  5. I need stronger glasses! I though they had Judge Dredd helmets on!
    Lovely work as always.

  6. Just liked these pics on the SoA forum. They are very impressive. Had me looking carefully at the length of the pikes /sarissas on my Warlord Macedonians.


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