Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Other Partizan 2024, Trojan War, Durham Wargames Group

And so it came to be; The Other Partizan and Durham Wargames Group's valiant effort at pulling off a  small piece of Homer's epic with the Siege of Troy, or rather the battle as the Greeks made their first assault.

Normally at Partizan I would be running around taking pictures of games that particularly struck me as eye catching, dramatic, epic etc. but thanks to an eight hour rowing couple directly above me in the B&B, the dizziness and exhaustion that ensued etc I was unable to find the energy nor mettle to push onward with my camera and capture the show in pixels to share with you lot. I do apologise for this situation; the blame lies firmly with the rowing couple and the management of the B&B who's only response was "sorry dude!" and a flimsy promise that they would contact booking dot com! Farse. Mucho apologies to everyone who put such wonderful games on deserved every pixel of coverage and of whom I didn't manage to get around to taking any snaps due to exhaustion and dizziness!

OK, back to the toys! The actual city of Troy had been hanging out on a shelf at our club for as long as I can remember but was in need of some serious refurbishment to make it ready for the game. Given the age of the model and a good refresh it did really well to act as a centre piece for the game and is still, to this day, an amazing construction as a model made to the standards of Ian Weekly of yesteryear. 

The battle started out with a clash between the main protagonists, Menelaus, Achilles, Patroclus, Hector etc battling it out to raise the morale of their armies. As per history, Hector fought Ajax and won, Hector fought Menelaus and won, Hector then fought Achilles and lost then Paris shot Achilles in the heal and he died which gave the Trojans an extra main Character with the Greeks lost 3 Characters to the Trojans single chap!

The battle then began in earnest with the Greeks smashing the Trojans. Needless to say, the wooden horse did not remain on the beach but was scavenged and taken home! 

All the images are "clickable" should you wish to enlarge them. Just right click then hit "open Image in New Tab".

The icing on the cake for the whole game had to be Martin Gordon's beautifully done vignettes which were placed here and there in Troy itself. Again, the images are clickable if you want details:

Many thanks to Martin for organising pretty much the entire game and for the transport too. Very much appreciated buddy. 

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Warhammer Ancient Battles- One Day Tournament- Spring Event- Sunday 6th April 2025 Mongol Mania!

Just letting you guys know.

We have a one day wargaming event taking place in Manchester UK in April next year.

28mm armies.
Rule set, Warhammer Ancient Battles Version 2
Period, Rise of the Mongols and their successors.
Format, 3 games, all scenario driven.
Armies from Armies of Antiquity Version 2, @3000pts

It's a little early to advertise,
however we have had a great deal of interest in this event, with eight fully paid up players already on the list.

So if you have an eastern based medieval army, and are interested in this period, get ‘your towel on the deckchair' nice and early!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me where I can supply a fully detailed rules pack, with all further details- at:
timhaslam1 AT ntlworld DOT com

Our location and venue are pretty much idyllic for gamers, it's,
On site cafe,
Free parking,
Almost straight off the motorway network.

Thanks for looking

Pictures from last year to give you guys some idea of the set up:

We would love to see you there- if you're interested, the email address you need is above.