Thursday 7 November 2019

Spanish Reconquista Game, Partizan 2020- 191 Days and Counting!

So, with Partizan 2020 and my Spanish Reconquista game not so far away I'm going to be taking stock of what I have accomplished to get the game ready from day to day.

This may make for quite boring reading but I've decided just to include the number of days left in the title of my posts so as to not leave you all with a bemused look and possibly a well deserved gaping yawn to boot!

So, thus far:

1/40 Black Guard Infantry, cleaned, filed and undercoated- 20 of which are being painted- pics posted ASAP.

2/12 Hasham Black Guard Cavalry, cleaned, primed and undercoated.

3/1 Vignette (all hush hush until completion)

I have left you with a picture of a statue of Alfonso I of Aragon. It is very tempting to try to do some sort of conversion to try to achieve the same level of poise and drama as in the statue that stands in the Parade Grande Jose Antonio Labordeta, Zaragoza. We shall see!

Alfonso I of Aragon, "The Battler"


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