Wednesday 24 July 2024

WAB Trojan War Set Up for This Week!

We set out some old terrain at the club that we plan to tart up a but, mend damaged corners, repaint scuffs and repairs etc. As we went through the set up we decided to throw in a Trojan war WAB game this week too! It would be rude not to. The Trojan/Assyrian city by a group of members under the tutelage of Joe Newton.

The miniatures from the collections of Matt Boyd and Martin Gordan.

Piccies- all "clickable and large files for those who want to see the details. (Left click, Open Image in another Tab, enlarge.) 

The AAR/Bat Rep will be available sometime post Thursday!

Sunday 21 July 2024

Clubbing It! The Italian Wars II

Once again, while we were setting out a snap shot of the game we have planned for The Other Partizan on October 13th of this year at Newark Showground I managed to find a few minutes of my time to pop next door and get some snaps of The Italian Wars games that have been going on. In some ways, I'm conflicted as we're having a great time playing WAB on your usual table (though we could try to play some of the newer rulesets!), my absolute favourite "period" for history, pageantry and miniature painting is of course The great Italian Wars. The game was put on by Jon Severs and looked every bit as good if not better than the last game. The rules were Pike and Shotte with a goodly dose of amendments. 

I hope to be able to plunge into one of these games at some point soon, and if you're reading this guys, yes, that is a none too subtle hint! :>)

Cheers, more next week I hope!

Sunday 14 July 2024

A lot of Pics and Fewer Words- Punic Wars WAB Campaign (Whilst I Write Out the Full Report!)

I had expected to get the full Warhammer Ancient Battles Punic War Campaign scoop written and published as of now but real life, as usual, has forced my hand to slow.

For now, I thought a few pictures of the event might satiate anyone's appetite, at least for now.

All images are clickable and for full size please right click then enlarge on image.

Punic event round 1
"Romans do well (115.5) carthage less so (71.5)...
Rome captures ballearics and votes emergency fortifications to narbonensis.
The carthaginian senate voted to raise additional taxes to reward its generals with more funds.
Mario's forces were driven to almost destruction and while hiding in a cave he recovered a well balanced great axe"

Alex Barnes:
Punic event day 2 Rome holds!
A full 3000 lists hitting the table, the cowardly Gaul's attempted to assinate Matt Barca, but failed and matt recaptured the dido standard, while Marshall Numidians* captured the banner of Mars
*well his merc gaul's did!

Punic event day 2 Rome holds!
A full 3000 lists hitting the table, the cowardly Gaul's attempted to assassinate Matt Barca, but failed and Matt recaptured the Dido standard, while Marshall Numidians* captured the banner of Mars
*well his merc gaul's did!

Marshal- Best Painted Army Prize.

Sam- spirit of WAB Prize

Marshal- Overall "Winner"


Please forgive the dreadful miniature photography- my aim was to capture the spirit of the day!

Report proper published ASAP!