Monday 30 May 2022

Just Add Water Miniature Painting and Wargaming Blog- 500000 Views! Many, Many Thanks, Part 3!

The last and final part of my celebration of reaching 500000 views. Half a million. sounds like a hell of a lot when I say it out aloud.

Due to my abnormal vulnerability to SARS CoV 2 I have not been able to get out and about to any shows so the final part of the 500000 views celebration will concentrate on the projects I have been working on since the pandemic hit, namely, my Italian Wars Spanish Trastámara army (with a smattering of French in there too), my Anglo Danes and my beloved Early Byzantines! I have included one game played at our local club a few years ago which was an amalgamation of Black Powder and Wargames Research Group Napoleonic Rules! Thus Powdered Barker.

As usual most if not all all the images are "clickable" if you wish to enlarge them.

More 66th Berkshire, Second Anglo Afghan War, Scenic Images

Italian Wars Units Thus Far

Anglo Danish Army Thus Far

Early Byzantine Army Thus Far

Powdered Barker, Napoleonic Game Local Club