Saturday 28 June 2014

In the Event Anyone Was wondering...... Workspace:

And here are the pics........................

Painting Space:

 Painting Space (close up):

 Sculpting/Conversion space:

 Bits and Bobs Area (top):

 Bits and Bobs Area (bottom):


 Mini Painting Que:

And that, as they say, is that :>)


Friday 27 June 2014

WIP Afghan Pathans

To start the ball rolling on the Second Afghan War demo game I'll be putting on next year at Partizan in May/June I've been splashing some paint on some of Wargames Foundry's lovely Pathans designed by the Perry's many a moon ago.

They are sans bases at present as I haven't decided how they will be based as I'm waiting for a set of rules to be released by the Grimsby Wargames Society some time over the next three or four seeks and I reckon I'm going to go with their rules as they seem to be designed with mass battles in mind.

I was lucky enough to witness their Indian Mutiny game at the Durham show and I really liked the simplicity and elegance of what I could glean from the game- See former post Durham Wargames Show for pics of their excellent game.. It's really the basing that I'm concerned about so these chaps will remain baseless for a little while yet.

As soon as they are based up I'll take some pics with some decent terrain in the background and post them up here on this blog.


Tuesday 17 June 2014

Durham Wargames Show Interlude!


Sorry about the lack of Afghan conversions, I mean't to continue with them but I'm in the middle of moving and I've been up to my neck with cardboard boxes and detritus of late and it's been more then a bit difficult to get myself or more to the point my studio into working order (sorry to those who are waiting for their miniatures! It's just one of those things in life that one has to put up with sadly).

OK, the Durham show? Well, I think it had taken a turn for the better, better traders (of course Dave T was these as one would expect, actually in his 33rd year of attendance at the Durham show I have been reliably informed!), Northumbrian Games who made their first appearance with plenty of paints etc which made my eyes light up. Ended up buying the Red and Green Andrea sets from them which was excellent as I've had trouble getting my hands on them quickly of late. They also had a number of sets by a company who's name I forgot but they had some really lovely deep colours available which will no doubt come in very handy at a later date.

Right, down to the business end. Well, I only saw two games, the D-Day Landings in 15mm and the lovely Indian Mutiny Game that was being run by the Grimsby Wargamers lot. The following is a collection of pics that i managed to take despite my camera not being powered up since Partizan! Now, where the hell did I put that battery re-charger!!!??? no doubt it's in one of these boxes that I'm surrounded by!!!!!!

Durham Wargames Society, Normandy Landings

Grimsby Wargamers, Indian Mutiny

Scratch Built Elephant Siege Artillery Limber!! (below)

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Partizan Interlude!

Hi guys and gals,

Against all the odds I actually made it down to Partizan, not for that long, I think we left at lunchtime but I did get a chance to talk to some old and new friends which was great. The new venue, a series of marquees for those that didn't know, was actually a nice change in terms of light though it did reach get quite hot as more people arrived and the morning wore on. Still, a very good venue if you like taking piccies, which I do! Oh, one last thing, for the first time I can remember visiting a war games show I didn't buy anything except a copy of the new Wargames Illustrated! Somewhat of a miracle given all the fantastic goodies on show!!

James Morris and Newark Irregulars- Battle of Keren

Adrian's Walls Terrain

Steve Jone's AWI Wietzell's Mill

Perry Miniatures- Fictitious Battle in Libya Western Desert

Two Fat Lardies Battle of Verdun

Lovely Redoubt Rorkes Drift Vignette

Simon Miller (aka Big Red Bat) Roman Civil War on the River Po

Another play test for Simon's To the Strongest Rules as well as a damn fine looking demo game.

League of Augsburg ???

Westbury Gamers Retreat from Moscow 

Early WWI Derby Wargames Society

Chaco War South East Scotland Wargames Club

WWI League of Gentlemanly anti-Alchemists

And last but not least, Guy of Wargames Soldiers and Strategy fame who was unfortunately beaten on the draw when it came to taking this pic :>)

There were a few great games that having limited time, I simply didn't get a chance to take any snaps of. So, collective sorry to those clubs and individuals who have been missed out- you deserved to be in the limelight just as much as the games I have displayed here.

Next post will be back to the sculpting/converting of the Afghan Warrior Casualty.
