Monday 25 October 2021

Battle of of Agincourt Anniversary

From the Gesta Henrici Quinti (The Exploits of Henry V), Translated by F Taylor & J.S. Roskel (1975)

"And on the following day, namely Friday on the Feast of St Crispin and Crispinian, 25 October, as dawn rose, the French positioned themselves in ranks, squadrons and wedges, and took their place in front of us on the field named Agincourt, across which was our route to Calais, and they were of a most terrifying number. Cohorts of cavalry stood in many hundreds on both sides of their vanguard in order to burst through our battle line and our force of archers. And that vanguard of soldiers on foot consisted of all the choicest noblemen: it was a forest of lances and a grave multitude of gleaming shields and cavalry at their sides, and was approximately thirty times greater than ours. But their rearguard and wings, squadrons and wedges were all on horseback, as if prepared for flight rather an to remain in place, and in respect to ours they were of an incomparable number."

"When the time came near for the enemy’s offensive, the French cavalry that had been positioned on the sides made attacks against our archers who were on either side of our army. But soon, as God willed, they were compelled to retreat amidst the showers of arrows, and to flee to the rearguard, with the exception of a very small number of men who ran amidst the archers and the groves, not without slaughter and wounding; and indeed, with the exception of the many men whom stakes driven into the ground and the barrage of missiles aimed at both horses and knights held back from fleeing far away. Whereas the enemy missiles which were aimed at the rear of the armed men and on their sides, after the first but hasty movement, harmed very few people, they retreated at the strength of our bows."

"Then a most bitter battle raged, and our archers notched the ends of their arrows and sent them against their flanks, continually renewing battle. When their arrows had been used up, they took up axes, stakes, swords and the heads of lances that lay between them, and laid the enemy low, ruining and transfixing them. For the almighty and merciful God, who is always miraculous in His work, and who wanted to show his mercy to us, whom it pleased that the crown of England, which has long been invincible, to remain under the power of our gracious king, His soldier, and his small retinue, as soon as the battle lines had been joined together and the battle begun, increased our power that the shortage of our provisions had previously debilitated and weakened, removed the terror from them, and gave them a fearless heart. And it seemed to our elders that the English had never attacked their enemy more bravely, intrepidly or wilfully."

And, military expedient or not, certainly the most tragic part of the battle:

"But then at once, for what wrath of God it is unknown, a shout arose that the rearguard of the enemy’s cavalry was of an incomparable number and fresh, and that they had restored their position and battle line in order to overcome us in our small numbers and weary state. And the prisoners were killed at once, without any heed to the difference between people, excepting the dukes of Orleans and Bourbon and other illustrious men who were in the king’s battle line, along with a very few others, by the swords of either their captors or others that followed them, lest they should be ruinous to us in the ensuing battle. But after a short while, the enemy ranks, according to the will of God once they had tasted the bitterness of our weapons and our king had drawn close to them, abandoned to us a field of blood along with carriages and their draughthorses, many being filled with provisions, weapons, lances and bows. And thus when, on God’s orders, the strength of that people had been dissipated and the rigours of the war had finished, we who had obtained victory returned through the masses, mounds and piles of dead men, and saw and inspected them, but not without the pain and tears of many, because so many outstanding and most powerful soldiers – had only God been with them – had sought their own deaths in such a manner from us, completely against our wishes, and had thus vainly destroyed and broken up the glory and honour of their own dwelling place. And if that was a site for compunction and piety in us as strangers passing by, how much more lamentation and wailing did it cause for the local people, who were watching and seeing the militia of their country being destroyed and despoiled in this manner! And I truly believe that there is not a heart of flesh or even one of stone that, if it had seen and considered the terrible deaths and bitter wounds of so many Christians, would not have broken itself and dissolved into tears out of grief. Indeed, however illustrious or respectable they were, the men, having been despoiled earlier by our English pillagers, did not have on our retreat any more covering, except only to cover their nature, than that which nature had woven for them on first entering the light." 

Thursday 21 October 2021

Partizan on the Ground when I Was Not on the Ground! #2!

Again, another quick post, this time of Chris Breese aka Winston App Rees's video footage of Partizan which he has kindly allowed me to use.

Thanks Chris

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Partizan on the Ground when I Was Not on the Ground!

What follows is almost certainly one of the oddest of all my posts in the nearly two decade of my blogging activity! That of the Partizan show last weekend, which I could not make! Definitely up there for one of the most offbeat, even bizarre posts!

These pictures were sent to me from a friend, Steve Maher, who knowing that it was impossible for me to make it down to Partizan due to Covid kindly offered to take some pictures of the Bodkin's Crecy game. The Bodkins, who consist of David Imrie, Dave Andrews, Matthew Bickley and Simon Chick are renown for putting on Late Medieval games of a very high standard. Anyone who regularly frequents Partizan will almost certainly be familiar with their superbly painted and presented games. 

The game was played using David Imrie's up and coming Claymore Castings Hundred Years War rules. The more I have gleaned about the rules the more they are looking like the golden rules for the Hundred Years War which I have been seeking out for the last two decades! I have over the years, tried many rulesets and they all seemed to have something fundamental missing when it came to the effect of "English" archery. If I had to pick one outstanding wargaming passion of mine it the Hundred Years War would be number one so it was a little painful not to be able to travel down and see the game for myself but, hey, I had to put my health first!

I have asked David to write a few words about the game before presenting the pictures to you.

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

Photo Above by Steve Maher

If anyone has any pictures they would like me to share of the game here on my blog, please leave a comment or contact me via the Contact Form on my Blog on the right hand sidebar. any contributions will be credited and very much appreciated.

And thanks to Dave Andrews, David Imrie, Simon Chick and Matthew Bickley for presenting such a beautiful game! One full of beautifully painted miniatures and in such abundance.

Battle of Dara 530 CE

Very quick post about a potential future demo/display game. Lots of ideas bouncing around in my head about army composition orbats etc but a lot of reading to do before I come up with anything definite.

All the maps expand is you click on them.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Gonzalo Fernandez Cordoba Personal Coat of Arms for Cerignola 1503 Campaign?

 With the release of the beautiful Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, 1st Duke of Santangelo and Staff miniatures from The Assault Group (superbly) sculpted by Nick Collier below has had me on a bit of a trek on the net looking for his personal coat of arms for the Cerignola 1503 Campaign.

I struck it lucky with Wappenwiki and got a convincing hit straight away which has left me wondering which coat of army El Gran Capitan might have used at the time of  Cerignola 1503? So far there are four potentials thus far; I prefer the first one at the top but would be very interested in hearing from anyone who might have a better understanding of Spanish Heraldry or Early Renaissance Heraldry in  general. 

You can see the coats of arms on the Wappenwiki page HERE)

Candidate no. 1:

Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba

1st Duke of Santángelo, Montalto, Terranova, Andría and Sessa
Viceroy of Naples
El Gran Capitan
Younger son of Pedro Fernández de Córdoba, 4th Lord of Aguilar and Priego

Candidate no. 2: 
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba

1st Duke of Santángelo, Montalto, Terranova, Andría and Sessa
Alternative arms variant

Candidate no. 3:
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba

1st Duke of Santángelo, Montalto, Terranova, Andría and Sessa
Alternative arms variant V.2

Candidate no. 4:
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba

1st Duke of Santángelo, Montalto, Terranova, Andría and Sessa
Alternative arms variant as Knight of the Golden Fleece

Candidate 5- from my good friend and fabulous painter Rafa:

If anyone can help me shed some light on which coat of arms he would have held aloft at Cerignola 1503 I would be very grateful. My instincts are to go with the first image but I really don't know for sure.