Saturday 7 September 2013

The Other Partizan Show Report


I was going to publish this a day or two ago but the sad news of Donald Featherstone's death made me decide otherwise. I never met the man but he surely has had an influence on my attitude towards collecting miniatures and playing games. His books always seemed like he was not only passionate about the subject of toy soldiers but also had the feeling that he was having fun writing them. RIP Donald Feathersone.

On to The Other Partizan. Having spent quite a bit of cash at the Border Reiver show as planned (see earlier Border Reiver Show Report post) I meant to take as much time as possible to enjoy the games at the show and not be lured into buying more miniatures etc. This plan worked, to an extent!

One thing that struck me was the lack of information available about some of the games. I was in a bit of a hurry so didn't really have too much time to talk to folks about their great efforts and this would have been a bonus, at least for me :O) Maybe it was because we had arrived after lunch and the handouts had been, well, handed out already?

I've probably waffled on too much and I'm sure that you're all dying to get a look at the pics so here you go:

Ali Morrison's 'Nostalgia' Game
I beg your forgiveness dear reader but I'm not at all sure what 'period' (Ye Gods! How I detest that word!) it was though I suspect the action was hep penning about the same time as the Franco Prussian War- if anyone can assist in pinpointing it further please drop me a line. Looking back to Sunday now, I suspect that Mr Featherstone would have been happy to see this game being played.

Andrew Taylor and David Imrie's 'The Eagle' Game
Having seen this very high quality game by Andrew and David's game at Claymore it was a joy to see it again at Partizan. The details of the terrain and especially the painting was absolutely stunning as you can see on the close ups of the miniatures. If I wasn't painting professionally myself these are the two gentlemen I would go to!

French and Indian Wars Game

Eastern Front Game 

Lance and Lonbow Society Stand Bosworth Explained

This was perhaps the most stunning and colourful of all the games on display. It was also very nice to catch up a bit with Dave O'Brien whom I saw at Border Reiver but didn't really get the chance to catch up with properly.

North Star 1672 Game
Another great example of how to put on another really colourful game with fabulous terrain. Really showed the 1672 range off well.

Roman Civil War Battle of Thaspus

Not sure of which battle this was (I really should know!) but it was quite a stunning game with a lot of Romans and Allies on the table as you can see.

Wargames Holidays Airplane Hijack Game

Wild West

Obligatory picture of Big Jim Sweeney
He gets everywhere you know!

Dan, UK Editor of Wargames Illustrated looking very, very suave 

There are certainly many games that I missed either through forgetfulness or lack of time. There was a beautiful VBCW game to mention just one. If anyone has any pics of the games that I have missed out please get in touch and I will add them as they arrive.  
