Saturday 19 February 2022

Spanish Sword and Buckler/Rodeleros - Army of Gonzalo de Córdoba, "El Gran Capitán"

It's been a while since my last post for the The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge and for Just Add Water blog too. To be honest, since changing over from having a large army of Late Romans already cleaned up, primed and undercoated and ready to go; then the great Varnishing Disaster before pulling myself back together and getting stuck in to more of my Italian Wars collection has slowed the the pace of posts both here and on the The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge to a trickle. Not at all what I had planned, which was in essence to churn out a Late Roman army for WAB at a decent pace. Alas, that was not to be. Maybe next year when I might find the courage to face the Late Roman project again!

To be honest I have also found it very difficult to paint of late. I have discussed my mental health issues briefly on my blog before. Of late, things have become about as difficult as they I have ever experienced. My will to paint is diminished, my personal morale floundering. I will spare you the details; suffice to say that it's heartbreaking not to be able to spend time on the hobby I love due to being overcome by hyper anxiety and a host of other issues. Anxiety, at it's worst, seems to take over all aspects of ones life. 

For these reasons I am quite proud to have been able produced anything at all on the painting front. I reckon this unit of Spanish Sword and Buckler/Rodeleros have come out well enough. Though not actually a unit as such, as four bases from each rank will actually be forming the front ranks of a very large pike block, they could be used as a unit in rules like Swordpoint where, for reasons unknown, the Spanish Sword and Buckler are Open Order units are separated from their respective pike blocks. I'm sure that will get sorted out once the Italian Wars Swordpoint  supplement comes out. If it's anything as good as the Swordpoint Hundred Years War Supplement (the best Swordpoint supplement so far by quite some way IMHO) then it will be quite a treat.

All the miniatures are from The Assault Group and are from the Spanish Trastamara range, sculpted by the brilliantly talented Nick Collier.

All the images are "clickable" so please feel free to dig in.

Single Bases:

Next up a brief interlude with a few Italian Mounted Arquebusiers then onto the Spanish Pike block.

Friday 18 February 2022

Late Medieval WAB Game at (Big) Jim Sweeney's:

Again, these pictures were rescued from WaybackMachine and taken in the early 2000's (I think 2007?) at my mate James Sweeney's (Big Jim) house.

I remember the game well as it was a great laugh. The four armies we had on the tabletop were an eclectic gathering of Medieval Russian, Italian City States Medieval Polish and the Teutonic Order; all from the Armies of Chivalry WAB supplement lists. 

As usual all the images are "clickable" if you want to enlarge them a little.