Image Above- the Seleucid Extreme Left Flank.
Week two brings us to Part 2 of our Republican Roman vs Seleucid game carried on from last week. As the game left last time, the Seleucid left flank (my) was beginning to look a bit shaky; partly because I read the old first draft errata with the rules for Wedges and realised that both my Wedges of cavalry had cheated and taken an About Turn in their last move which is not allowed! And partly because of Martin's (Roman right Flank) crafty cavalry manoeuvres over the river and into a flanking position. We decided to allow the Wedges to make a Reform move just to get them back in the game which seemed fair; if they failed, they would remain facing in the wrong direction until they passed and happily they both did so.
The Seleucid Line:
The elephant (newly names "Saving Grace") stampeded very early on in the game continues to make it's merry way across the front of the both adversaries lines! One Scythed Chariot is charged by a unit of Velites then flees. The other scythed chariot remains on stand by.

Roman Centre Right:
A nice shot of the Republican Roman Triple Acies/Maniple in action. Or, rather waiting for action while "Saving Grace" plods along the line. The unit of Velites (front) become very annoying to my freshly painted unit of Argyraspides (standing in as a pike block - just off picture to the front).
Seleucid Centre Left:
The larger Phalanx hangs back whilst part moved forward creating a space for the Scythed Chariots and skirmishers to move forward and shoot. And shoot they did taking out a large part of a unit of Hastati!
The Ebb and Flow of Battle:
The Roman Left Flank Consisting Mainly of Cavalry.
The Roman Centre Waiting Patiently for the Mad Ellie to Move Out of the Way!
The Seleucid companion and Agema Wedges begin to roll around the Roman Left causing all sorts of confusion.
Freshly Painted Miniatures Syndrome!
My freshly painted unit of Phalangites wearing the cloaks get slowly whittled away by a unit of very lucky Velites!
The Roman Right closes in on my whittled away flank. My skirmishers largely gone, my elephants chasing down Elephant Wagons or running amok, and my two Agema Wedges just about recovered from the rules faux pas from the previous session! Things were looking grim so I charged the smaller Wedge to clear some Velites out of the way but made a major misjudgement!
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Contemplates the Battlefield!
The Roman Left begins to look more and more untenable as the Wedges edge around the flank. There was nothing for it except for the Roman Equites class but to retreat! Typical toffs!
A Nice View of Both Armies from Tabletop Height:
Remember my misjudgement? Well, this was it. I forgot the Roman Extraordinarii had a better move distance than most Roman troops and sure enough, they came charging in flattening my main Wedge. I promptly lost the combat, fled but managed to rally at the beginning of my nest turn.
The "Gang"
My Wedge Just Prior to Rallying.
The (slightly) joyous moment of rallying with enough vision to realise that I was about to be charged again in my next turn! With this in mind I did an About Face with two of my Phanlanx units in order to make sure I could get a charge in on the Roman Extraordinarii in my next turn or they would be in our rear causing all sorts of carnage. It's not a bad idea to turn your back on the enemy, but hopefully i will have time to turn around again! Gulp!
Seleucid Right:
Overall View:
A Better View of the Seleucid Right:
Oh yeah, Midgard dropped through my letterbox. A review coming soon.