The game very much revolved around the cavalry action taking place on the Christian Spanish (my good self and Neil) Right Flank and the Almoravid Left Flank (Jim and Graeme). We managed to route a large unit of Almoravid Jinettes allowing for a 180 degree turn and a rear flank charge as the Christian Caballeros Hidalgos went in frontally. alas, in order to avoid being charged themselves by a Mercenary unit of the same class we chose to charge the Caballeros Hidalgos in who promptly lost by one, were subject to First Charge and auto-broken. What happened next was hilarious- or tragic- depending on your perspective! Every unit we had, within 12" panicked and routed as well! This effectively ended the game, though we did play a couple more turns before we ended the game.
We had a good chat post game and have decided to play an El Cid campaign largely based off the WAB V.1/1.5 El Cid Campaign in the back of the El Cid supplement. We're going to be introducing the African Drummers and Cantador rules which should help add a the wee bit of period flavour that seems to be missing from the AoA V.2 army lists.
Here's the few pics I managed to take- more next week I promise! (All are "clickable")