Saturday 29 October 2022

Perry Hundred Years War Scenic Pictures SESWC 2011

Another blast from the past as revealed to me while I was messing about trying to delete as many pdf's and photo's from my Gmail account in order to avoid paying for storage!

This time some really nice pictures taken by my good friend, and at the time fellow SESWC club compatriot David Imrie way back in 2011, which was, I think, the same year the Perry's released their range(?).

And wonderful  it is to behold the pictures again; I was 100% convinced these pictures had died on an old laptop. 

All images are of course, "clickable"


  1. They are indeed. Very fine work.

  2. Gorgeous paint jobs, but surely King Henry is Front Rank?

    1. Yeah, it is. At the time, the plastics were all to come in the future and the Henry V freebie you get with three boxes of the plastic English army was yet to be sculpted. I wanted that "Saint Crispins Day" look so went with Front Rank.

    2. The Henvy V model is the only Front Rank mini in the army.

  3. This is excellent and love the Duke of Oxford in there. Great stories being told on these bases. Little vignettes! Lovely paint work and well crafted. Oh and would be interested in where the buildings in the background came from. Thank you for sharing this work.

    1. Thank you Obsidian23. The aim was exactly that; to create mini vignettes within the units. To go beyond the command base vignette and get the interaction going within the units. I think I might have overdone things a little but the army has served to inform every army I have painted up since so was well worth it.

  4. They look great, well painted and nice bases


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